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Almost no one gets through life without having their heart broken. Advice at such a dark moment tends to focus on letting time do the healing. But understanding and perspective also have a vital role. We sometimes make our situation far worse than it needs to be. We start to tell ourselves that we are not good enough, that we fail at everything, that this one rejection means we will always be maltreated …

This is a book to help us get over heartbreak by offering some context, some history, some psychology and a little philosophy. We learn about how our responses to abandonment are formed, what the best way to think about an ex might be and how to envisage future relationships when we are in despair. We come away gently cheered that we are not alone, consoled that our suffering will have an end – and intrigued by the endless and subtle sorrows and joys of relationships.


Topics Include:

Why Did They Leave Us?
Attachment Theory – and Break-Ups
How Not to Be Tortured by a Love Rival
The Wider Context of Our Sorrow
Our Lover Was Not Unique
The Benefits of a Broken Heart

Hardback book | 83 pages | 168 x 122 mm
English version

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