MARIMO - Cladophora aegagropila

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Cladophora Aegagropila is not really a moss, but a ball of green algae. It is normally found in shallow lakes in Japan, Iceland, Scotland and Estonia. The moss ball is very easy to keep because of its low requirements. The Japanese, who call the moss ball Marimo, believe that the moss ball brings good luck. In an aquarium, the moss ball must be turned over regularly to maintain its round shape.

Moss ball in nature The balls can reach a maximum diameter of 10cm. This is because light can penetrate the ball a maximum of 5cm and photosynthesis does not take place deeper. In nature, moss balls are found with a diameter of 30cm. These are hollow inside and have a maximum wall thickness of 5cm.

Sometimes the marimo turns brown, if this does not go away, the moss ball can be placed in a container with water to which a little salt is added.
The moss balls we sell are about 3 to 5 cm in size.

Characteristics: Dutch name: Moss ball
Alternative names: Aegagropila linnaei, Marimo, Cladophora
Continent(s) of origin: Asia / Europe
Country(ies) of origin: Iceland, Scotland, Japan, Ukraine and Estonia
Position in aquarium: Foreground and on decoration
Max. diameter: +10cm

Minimum requirements: Temperature: 5-28 degrees
Light: Very little to much
Co2: Not needed
Ph: 5.5 to 8
Hardness: Very soft to hard

Optimal conditions: Temperature: 10-25 degrees
Light: Normal
Co2: No requirement, can't hurt
Ph: 6.5 to 7.5
Hardness: Soft to medium
Extra: - Clean water
- Turn over regularly
-1 time per 2 weeks rinse with lukewarm water

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