Wooden frame with white background for framing cardboard
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A special beetle with great skills! Scarab beetles, also known as dung beetles, form bulbs of dung to lay their eggs in.
The scarab was considered a sacred animal in Egyptian mythology. The scarab was connected to the god Chepri, the god of the rising sun, who, as it were, created a new sun every day. The dung balls, rolled on by the beetles, were associated with the sun, and therefore with Chepri.
Making the scarab beetle is a precise and delicate task. The body is made of black cardboard. The wings are made of unique metallic paper to mimic a shimmering effect.
You can mount this mythical Scarab Beetle on your wall or you could let it shine on your desk, shelf or table.
It takes about 15 minutes to assemble the Scarab Beetle.